Nasal Obstruction Questionnaire 3 Nasal Obstruction Questionnaire This questionnaire is designed to evaluate the severity and impact of nasal obstruction on daily life. Please answer the following questions based on your experience over the past 4 weeks. 1 / 10 How often do you experience a blocked or stuffy nose? Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Always 2 / 10 How often do you have difficulty breathing through your nose? Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Always 3 / 10 How often do you breathe through your mouth during the day? Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Always 4 / 10 How often do you experience nasal congestion at night? Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Always 5 / 10 How often does nasal obstruction disturb your sleep? Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Always 6 / 10 How often do you snore due to nasal obstruction? Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Always 7 / 10 How much does nasal obstruction affect your daily activities (e.g., work, exercise, social life)? Not at all Slightly Moderately Quite a bit Severely Extremely 8 / 10 How much has your sense of smell been affected by nasal obstruction? Not at all Slightly Moderately Quite a bit Severely Extremely 9 / 10 How often do you use nasal sprays or medications to relieve nasal obstruction? Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Always 10 / 10 How would you rate the overall severity of your nasal obstruction? None Very mild Mild Moderate Severe Very severe Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte